The holistic influence of movement and proper breathing on early-pregnancy symptoms: A comprehensive guide

Pregnancy & Postpartum

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings about significant changes in a woman’s body and
overall well-being. The early stages of pregnancy, in particular, can be accompanied by various
symptoms that may impact a woman’s daily life. In recent years, there has been a growing interest
in adopting holistic approaches to manage these symptoms, with a focus on movement and proper
breathing techniques.¹ This comprehensive guide explores the profound influence of movement
and breathing on early-pregnancy symptoms and provides insights into their holistic benefits for
both mother and fetal well-being.

Understanding Early-Pregnancy Symptoms
Early pregnancy often comes with a range of symptoms such as, fatigue, mood swings, heightened
stress levels, and in particular, morning sickness (nausea and vomiting). Despite its name,
morning sickness can occur at any time of the day. It typically begins early in pregnancy, often
around the sixth week, and may last until the end of the first trimester or, in some cases, throughout
the entire pregnancy. Indeed, recent study shows that nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP)
affects up to 70% of all pregnant women.²

These symptoms can be challenging to manage, and traditional medical interventions may not
always be the first choice for expectant mothers who seek natural and holistic approaches to
enhance their well-being.3,4 The exact cause of morning sickness is not fully understood, but
hormonal changes, particularly the rise in human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen
levels, are believed to play a significant role.²

The Role of Movement
Preventing morning sickness during early pregnancy through yoga involves incorporating
specific poses that focus on relaxation, gentle movements, and mindful breathing. While yoga
may not completely eliminate morning sickness, it can help alleviate symptoms and promote
overall well-being.⁵ Certain poses such as Child’s pose (Balasana) help relax the back and
abdominal muscles promoting a sense of calmness and providing relief from nausea by gently
compressing the abdominal area. Another good example is Cat-Cow pose, also known as
Marjarasana-Bitilasana. This pose enhances spinal flexibility and promotes gentle movement in
the abdominal area. The rhythmic nature of this pose can help soothe the digestive system by
reducing feelings of nausea and enhancing blood circulation, and thus relief from discomfort.
Additionally, combining several yoga poses with mindfulness, provide a holistic approach to
managing stress and anxiety often experienced in early pregnancy.⁶

It’s important for pregnant women to consult with their healthcare providers before starting any
exercise or yoga routine to ensure it aligns with their individual health status and pregnancy
progression. Yoga, when practiced mindfully and with proper guidance, can be a valuable
tool in managing morning sickness and promoting overall well-being during early pregnancy
for both mother and expectant baby.

The Power of Proper Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing techniques play a crucial role in managing early-pregnancy symptoms and
promoting overall well-being. Deep breathing exercises, such as diaphragmatic breathing,
help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels.⁷ This is particularly significant during early pregnancy, as heightened stress can negatively impact both the mother and the developing baby. Due to the fact that our nervous system status affects directly with our stress levels, by reducing these, common pregnancy symptoms such as nausea or vomiting can also be minimized.⁸

Practicing mindful breathing can also alleviate nausea and enhance relaxation.⁸ Techniques like
abdominal breathing, where one focuses on expanding the diaphragm rather than shallow chest
breathing, can be especially beneficial. These techniques not only improve oxygen flow but also
contribute to a sense of mindfulness and connection with the growing life within.

Combining Movement and Breathing for Holistic Well-Being
The synergy between movement and proper breathing enhances the overall effectiveness of these
holistic approaches during early pregnancy. Integrating breath awareness into movement routines,
such as prenatal yoga sequences or gentle stretches, can amplify the benefits of both practices.⁹
Prenatal movement exercises often incorporate specific physical activities that cater to the unique
needs of pregnant women. These exercises emphasize the importance of breath coordination with
movement, promoting strength, flexibility, and relaxation simultaneously. The mind-body
connection fostered through these practices helps women embrace the physical changes
associated with pregnancy and prepares them for labor and delivery.

Safety Precautions and Individualization
While movement and proper breathing techniques offer numerous benefits, it’s crucial for
expectant mothers to prioritize safety and individualize their approach. Every pregnancy is unique,
and factors such as medical history, existing health conditions, and the advice of healthcare
providers should guide the choice and intensity of exercises.

Listening to one’s body and recognizing personal limitations are fundamental aspects of any
holistic approach to pregnancy well-being.¹⁰ Women should communicate openly with their
healthcare providers about their chosen practices to ensure alignment with their individual health
needs and the specific characteristics of their pregnancy.

In summary, the holistic influence of movement and proper breathing on early-pregnancy
symptoms provides a natural and empowering approach for expectant mothers. By incorporating safe and mindful practices into your daily routines, you can enhance your physical
and emotional well-being, fostering a healthier pregnancy journey.⁹ As with any health-related
practices during pregnancy, consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial to ensure a
personalized and safe approach. Embracing the symbiosis of movement and breath can
contribute to a more joyful and fulfilling early-pregnancy experience.


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    10.Nguyen, L. D., Nguyen, L. H., Ninh, L. T., Nguyen, H. T. T., Nguyen, A. D.,
    Vu, L. G., Nguyen, H. S. A., Nguyen, S. H., Doan, L. P., Vu, T. M. T., Tran, B.X., Latkin, C. A., Ho, C. S. H., & Ho, R. C. M. (2022). Women’s holistic self-care behaviors during pregnancy and associations with psychological well-being: implications for maternal care facilities. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(1).

Topics: Pregnancy & Postpartum

Garazi Otegui Beldarrain

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